
Showing posts from September, 2020

A great description of conservative versus progressive

David Schell wonders the same thing I've been wondering - 'Why all of these posts and stories about pedophilia?"  Only he actually puts his thoughts into words and posts.  Including a quote from Footloose.

New Effort - Bookmarking graphs of things that are true so I can refer to them later

 I'm not a numbers person, although I work with numbers all the time.  Maybe it's not so much that I'm not a numbers person as I just can't remember any numbers.  So when discussing things of importance, with people that are ill-informed, I need a reliable place I can go to grab those facts, or charts, or statistics.  After thinking about this problem for a few months, it occurred to me "Hey, I have a blog!!  I'll just put stuff there!"  So a few more months go by and we are finally here - I'm ready to post my first link. I anticipate these posts might simply be links to other web pages, I still have to figure out the details.  So I'm just going to plunge right in and begin, and worry about those pesky details later.